Review from Andy Murphy (who paddled from Lands End to John O Groats up the west coast of UK)

 In his review of book, Andy Murphy describes the development of adventure sports over the last 40 years, highlighting the personal journey of those who were at the forefront of this movement. The book provides a unique glimpse into the honest aspirations and motivations of paddlers who had to 'work it out' for themselves. The writing style comes from original hand-written diary notes, providing insight into the mindset needed to paddle at the upper limits. The book includes essential reading for those intent on pushing their limits, with a focus on managing risk and avoiding misadventure. The cast of amateurs named in the book continue to inspire, seeking out new places and pushing their limits just for the love of it.

Overall, the book provides a gripping sense of what it was like to be the first around 'that corner' and serves as a relevant and insightful read for modern paddlers.

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