In the last 40 years the world has become a much smaller place

In the last 40 years the world has become a much smaller place with integrated travel, a plethora of guide-books, online sources of information, tour companies, email and improved equipment standards allowing today’s young paddlers to progress through the ranks with remarkable speed. The explosion of interest in adventure sports is well-known but it’s often forgotten that only recently were most of the world’s ‘next corners’ and ‘last great problems’ paddled for the first time. Mike’s book describes in detail what it felt like to be at the forefront of an ‘amateur’ movement of fortunate adventurers who happened to be young ‘at the right time’; a time when many of the world’s great ‘adventure honeypots’ were on the cusp of being ‘discovered’.
Thankfully Mike’s book doesn’t go into the technicalities of reading moving water - there are (now) any number of instructional schemes and ‘lesson plans’ available - but far more importantly the book takes us on a personal journey of development from ‘dare I?’ through to ‘that was great... what’s next ?’ Starting in the adventurous years of the mid-80s, when so few people aspired to paddle ‘the impossible’ and before sports psychology, personal trainers and ‘professional standards’ had cornered the market, the reader gets a gripping sense of what it was like to be the first around ‘that corner’.
The writing style and inspiration comes from original hand-written diary notes and so gives a unique glimpse into the honest aspirations and motivations of paddlers who, of necessity, had to ‘work it out’ for themselves. Paper maps were all the rage and, with pencil-profiles and contour interpretations telling of river gradients and blind-bends to come, a handful of activists went out in search of the upper grades at home and abroad.
These were the days of hearsay; a guidebook-free world in which Ace helmets, Wild Water buoyancy aids (made in Pateley Bridge), Schlegel paddles, homemade throw-lines and fibreglass boats raised the bar even before putting afloat ... with irate farmers and fishermen in lesser known valleys merely adding a degree of spice to the mix.
At first glance there may be temptation to think that the book has little relevance for the paddlers of today: not so; there is much here which may, actually, extend a modern class 6 paddler’s life- expectancy. Two chapters in particular “The PRAT Scale” and “Scrimblies” amount to essential reading for those intent on pushing their limits and Mike is uncompromising when it comes to sharing his thoughts regarding the dangers of allowing a ‘wayward ego’ to have too much influence on ‘objective decision making’. “If your assessment of your ability and the intricacies of a rapid or fall is inaccurate you may well pass the threshold of adventure thus entering the realms of misadventure unless luck intervenes. Misadventure can have serious consequences, even death”.
Delving into the mindset needed to paddle at the upper limits, not for the sake of developing ego or the Instagram feed but simply for sheer enjoyment and fun is as relevant today as it has always been: here is an honest record of Mike’s own psychological development - a record which doesn’t flinch when it comes to honestly describing ‘moments’ when things could so easily have gone awry and when luck did indeed play its part. Other moments when the paddling team worked so well together that descents became sublime and yet others when egos and personal views impeded enjoyment and so clouded long-lasting impressions. It’s as good an insight into paddling sports psychology as you could hope for - though of course without the pretence, jargon and arrogance of the faux-practitioner who’s rehearsed every move through the 3D maze by searching YouTube.
The cast of amateurs who are named in this book are, for the most part, still seeking out new places and continue to push their limits just for the love of it and though they may now be more reluctant to divulge the location of their new personal ‘honeypots’, they continue to inspire.
For those who are still formulating their own notions of adventure, honing their skills in managing risk and who are not deterred by standing out from the crowd then accumulate as much experience, wisdom and humility as you can muster ...
“The real truth is that it is simply fun; the combination of skill, challenge, the environment, the journey and exploration... . It is rare to experience them all, but occasionally on one trip it all comes together.”
Andy Murphy 27th Feb 2023

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